How Much Caffeine Is In Kombucha?

1200---How Much Caffeine Is In Kombucha?

This question might have plagued you since you picked up your first bottle of Remedy Kombucha. Or, more likely, you’d have briefly wondered if kombucha had caffeine in it at all, shrugged your shoulders, said “she’ll be right” and sipped away anyway!

Whether you’re dying to know or are only mildly intrigued, listen up.

Does kombucha have caffeine in it?

Short answer: Yes.

Long(er) answer: Yes, but barely any.

If you know a thing or two about our boochy brews, you'll know they're made from a base of fermented black and green tea.

And if you know a thing or two about black and green tea, you'll know that they both contain a certain level of caffeine. Not usually enough to make the average Joe and Jane go zooooom, but for those caffeine-sensitive souls, it can be a lot.

The good news? Each 250ml can of Remedy Kombucha contains less than 15mg of caffeine, and a 330ml bottle contains less than 19mg of caffeine.

To put this into perspective, a coffee can contain over 100mg of caffeine, depending on how strongly it is brewed. And our very own wiser energiser energy drink, Remedy KICK, has 80mg of caffeine per 250ml.

That's why Remedy Kombucha is A-OK for our caffeine-sensitive pals, kids, and those who are pregnant and breastfeeding and looking to steer clear of caffeine!

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